My full name is Alain Jack Pierrot Ralaivao. As Basic Qualifications, I have the School Leaving Certificate+4 in Law ( 1995). I have solid professional experiences in the fields of the Contentious Matters (Lawsuit) and the Security; I also have some professional backgrounds in the domain of the Education. I become Writer because I naturally have to faithfully and scientifically describe lots of realities, physical or metaphysical. 
I organized in the course of the years 2002 and following, precisely since February 11, 2002, a Movement  baptized: “ Rights, Sam(e) ” ; starting as Uni-personal Organization with Aims of Public Utility, with no lucrative intention, no political  attachment, and no religious affiliation, It concerns itself   with the safeguard of the Humanity and the Environment.
It can naturally become the largest  and the most efficient  Non Governmental  Organization that has ever  been existing, on account of the far-reaching effects of its works, and the number of peoples who can benefit from these, without necessarily being physically registered as its active members!
Its main mission consists in the safeguard of the Environment and the Humanity, including the establishment of the Political and Economic Freedom, a Strong Civil Society, the Independent Media, the Human Rights, and the Rule of Law, tending to effectively found durable Peace and Security (Absence of Violences or Aggressions).

The results of its past and future works constitute some Discoveries with Natural Virtue to help reducing or suppressing the “Dangerous Speeches (DS)”, and thus, to found the Mutual Understanding between the Human Beings, as it can be reflected through the items shown in the present website!

Of course, the RIGHTS-SAM(E)” still needs some financial support, for the accomplishment of its missions which are most often inherent to some hard and costly researches!


* Study Well:  The Dangerous Speech (DS) is defined as speech which can provoke mass violences.


Alain Jack Pierrot RALAIVAO

*Email Address: alainjackpierrot@yahoo.com
*Phone Number: 261342120620


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